
The first time I used the Internet

It reminds me of the first time I used the Internet way back in 2000 when I was 14 years old. I’d just started my new lesson of computers when my teacher called Rocío explained us how to use the e-mail and different tools of searching useful information on the net such as: yahoo, goggle and Lycos. At first I had no idea what was going on, and it was only when one of my English teachers send us as homework to do a power point presentation about an original topic. I decided to do it about tropical fruits and it was fantastic! I discovered that there were hundreds of sites dedicated to tropical fruits. Ok, I’ve now embarrassed myself by admitting that my first essay related to Internet search was to look for sites on tropical fruits. I’m sure that your early Internet experiences can’t be as embarrassing as mine. I also remember that the first e-mail that I sent it was to my computers teacher and I could not get to understand how it was possible her to receive my message.

From the first time I used the Internet I have done lots of things on the net: once I enter to a chat room, I have sold some clothes at e-bay, I have bought tickets for the cinema, I have bought books on line and I usually look to my bank account by the net and do different transactions. There are so many possibilities to do in the net that it has become an essential instrument for my day to day. I think is one of the best inventions ever made. It’s cheap, fast and make easy to communicate all around the world. Unfortunately undeveloped countries do not have access to the net.